Set in an alternative universe, in the 1900’s, a famous scientist was developing a way to travel in space and time, but during his latest experiments so...
CSI Budapest – The butcher A cruel serial killer is keeping the residents of Budapest in terror. The commissioner of police has assigned his best team o...
MindCrime - you and your teammates are members of a special group of thieves, who intrude memories of people so as to steal their deeply hidden bank acc...
Looking for an exciting exit game suitable for your girlfriend or your family too? Visit Flow Therapy for a memorable treasure hunt for Heywood's lost g...
Have you ever thought about robbing a bank? You can do it legally now! Get your team, we give the BANK. Find the symbols, codes, secret-doors left by th...
Your journey can soon become a nightmare! Your game's location is a real underground station under the Parliament. By getting to the subway, you realize...
Free R2D2 from the Death Star and steal the blueprint files from it’s main computer! Ever wanted to feel yourself in the situation of the heroes of the ...